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PKLEAKS 1.0: Nisar Choudhary, the ISI Puppet


   Welcome to "PKLEAKS_1.0"... Today we expose a wolf in sheep's clothing, as far as the future of democracy and liberal values in Pakistan is concerned..He is none other than Mr.Nisar Choudhary the Great, the PML-N stalwart.Take me for granted, he has received tremendous support from the ISI and tactfully did not involve himself with protest against the present government.With the funding from ISI, he is in the final stage of Orchestrating a major split in PML-N, weakening the party, to reduce the clout of Nawaz Sharif in the political Arena....and to further the interests of the ruling party....He could successfully influence some more PML-N leaders, to form the rival faction within the party....ultimately heading to a split...So, today when you read this, ISI has shed significant money and effort to create the split and Nawaz Sharif is destined for the shock of his life, to see some of his close aides, getting aligned against him.....

   If you are OK with facing humiliation in the international arena.....if you are OK with a dying economy.......or if you are OK with being isolated in the Muslim World....you may ignore this thread.... But....We...proud Pakistanis can't just be OK........It is already late to respond,expose the ones like Nisar and prevent another military takeover, perhaps a permanent one.......

But....as it is said...."Better Late than Never"...... Shall come back soon with "PKLEAKS_2.0", with more secret info.


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