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PKLEAKS 4.0: Tyranny of Pakistan against its symbolic all-weather friends like Turkey


   Welcome to PKLEAKS_4.0....We published and exposed the way our administraion treats its own countrymen and daughters over the previous leaks..... Now....How do we treat our friendly foreign countries....even though there are not many......if you want me to say it in a single word...we treat them like "waste"....."utter waste"....even if they mentor and support us in the most vital field of "WASTE MANAGEMENT"... Let me explain the story...... Pakistan, which boasts of its friendship with Turkey was caught in a quagmire when two Turkish companies- Albayrak Group and Ozpak Group accused its 'bestie' of illegally confiscating their cleaning vehicles before their contract expired. There has been a conflict of interest between a Pakistani company- Lahore Solid Waste Management Company and the two Turkish companies.

   The Turkish Companies have been in a contractual relationship with abovementioned Pakistani company in waste management sector in Lahore and Rawalpindi and started their operations in 2012.  Their extended contract was going to end on December 31, 2020. Pakistani partner has allegedly failed to clear the dues of Turkish companies(as usual). Things took a turn for the worse when six garage facilities of both Turkish companies were allegedly raided and vandalized by the local riot police(our police when they cannot settle scores with the army, sometimes settles scores with the Turkish, probably under the beilef that Turkey is training our army officers). All equipments were forcibly seized and their employees were thrown out. This incident has resented both companies so much so that they raised the matter with Pakistan based Turkish journalist Islamuddin Sajid and even decided to file a legal case against Pakistani company. Plans were nearly afoot to give media coverage to the incident. Meanwhile, Pakistan’s Foreign Office (at FS level) got the wind of the affair and intervened so as to stop any media coverage that it believed could damage relations between Pakistan and Turkey. Nowadays with most of the foreign policies dictated by the China, our Foreign Secretary has ample time to mediate labour disputes and settle payements perhaps even by paying from his own pocket..

   The employees gathered in front of the LWMC office in Lahore, protesting the police raid and the LWMC's attitude towards the companies. The companies’ officials said that the police deleted footage belonging to the firms during the raid, but some video recordings were recovered. Moreover, the officials and employees of the Turkish companies said they would not participate in the new bid as they felt discomfort due to the local authorities’ threats.

   It was reported to us from reliable sources that the police forcibly detained employees leading to a brawl. Some of the employees were physically abused by the police force, and they were not allowed to get their personal belongings. Even our police has started robbing personal belongings of foreigners and threw them away as wastes most likely through the same waste disposal mechanism, they themselves were associated with....

Shall come back soon with "PKLEAKS_5.0", with more secret info.


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