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PKLEAKS 11.0: Rest is Silence: Asad Durrani to be moved out of Pakistan


    Welcome to "PKLEAKS_11.0"...... We thank you all for the contributions and appreciations.....
Time has finally come to leak a vital secret on Gen.Asad Durrani, the former ISI Chief...

We, the PKLeaks Team draw our inspiration and courage from people of principles and patriotism like Mr.Durrani....

He had the spine and courage to come out and speak out the truth.........

Not that he loved the Army less...But that he loved Pakistan more...!!!!

But, when you are deep down in corruption and incompetence, you feel insecure and arrogant....

Nothing better explains Army's reaction to Gen.Asad Durrani, which even ignored the spirit of brotherhood and unity among Army Personnel....

Many in the Army say.."If this can happen to former ISI Chief, what worst would be in store for us, who wish the Army to be corrected from within"..

We would like to tell them..."To be or not to be"!!!!!!!....

Now, What has Destiny(The Army) in store for Mr.Durrani??
Army has made the master plan to facilitate SMOOTH EXIT of Mr.Durrani from the country.....

Just to avoid him being a "thorn in the flesh"...
We are sad to hear one more honest Army officer, who stood for his country, leaving his motherland....
Just for telling the Truth and Loving his country...
To those who break the spirit of brotherhood and solidarity in the defence forces, we would like to say...
History would be more kind and compassionate to Mr.Durrani, our beloved General....


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