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PKLeaks 27.0: Dr.A.Q.Khan: An Obituary Note


   An era has come to an end with the sad demise of Dr.A.Q.Khan, the greatest nuclear scientist our country ever had. He was a rare blend of knowledge, wisdom and deep love for his motherland. In a way he is lucky as he is leaving the scene at this juncture. A few months from now, our country is likely to go bankrupt with another military coup impending and our elite leaders destined to roam around the world begging for loans and financial aid. Nothing would have hurt him more than such a situation in Pakistan, a country which he has loved more than his own life.

   A relevant tribute to our greatest nuclear scientist would be publishing the following top secret letter from him, addressed to the then Prime Minister of Pakistan. It shows the kind of insult and harassment he faced during his initial days, which he overcame successfully, salute to his patriotism and conviction. Fifty years down the lane, the situation in our country has only got worsened.

    It is all mediocre sycophants and "yes-men" around whether it is the government or the army. Unfortunately not many left in our country like the ever honoured Dr.A.Q.Khan.

Shall come back soon with "PKLEAKS_28.0", with more secret information.


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